“Peaceful Waters” is a short and sweet, solo piano piece that was commissioned by Natalie P. Veijanen in May 2018 after she had talked to me about her dream to play piano again. As an artist she had began to drift away from piano, but with this recent commission, my goal was to write an easy piece that could be learned by a novice that could still capture the relaxing murmur of rushing water.

The prompt she gave me before I began writing this piece was a single word: “peace.” So in the spirit of her kindness, it was decided to offer this piece for free to the general public.

Peaceful Waters – Download PDF Here

We hope you enjoy learning this piece and bringing peaceful music to your surroundings. In this challenging year of 2020, we all are in need of some peace. If you enjoyed this piece and appreciate the gesture, please consider buying me a coffee sometime to let me know:


If ever you perform this piece in public, please credit me as the composer and let me know by contacting me before hand. Thank you.