It is my pleasure to release this contemporary jazz / classical fusion album in collaboration with the mixing/mastering skills of Luminarcanum Records! This album has taken about a year and relies heavily on my piano improvisations – it is quite a personal take on finding balance in life. Thank you so much for the support and I do hope you find this album moving. Cheers!

– Chase (4/1/22)

“In Essence” is a contemporary jazz piano and modern classical EP album with elements of meditation music, minimalism, and improvised conversations between the layered instruments. It was originally created for Art Gate International 2021 and was performed for an international audience within the virtual reality lobby of this contemporary exhibition. The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th tracks were originally performed live for this virtual reality audience and even included audience participation.

I loved the music so much and found it so uplifting that I decided to add two more jazz tracks based on my own piano improvisations so that I could release a more substantial and more permanent EP album.

Yuri Villar, flute
Joe Zeitlin, cello
Pablo Arruda, bass
Chris Barber, drums
Chase Chandler, trumpet/piano

This album is meant to take the listener on a journey to a mountain I used to hike to growing up. It was a safe place I would use to escape the stress of school and life, usually losing my sense of self as I watched the horizon. I remember the wind being so loud that it would drown out my thoughts and I’d sit there, forget time, slow down my life and feel on top of the world. Even now, I can picture it so clearly.

One time, my sister and I woke up early on Christmas morning and walked up the mountain to watch the sunrise together. I remember feeling so independent even though I was quite young at the time. In college, I had even taken my wife there many years before we got married, when we were just awkward friends with a crush on each other. I will always remember this place fondly, so I wanted to bring it to life with this album as its musical narration.

So I hope you enjoy it and find it energizing! Thank you so much for the support and I look forward to hearing everyone’s feedback.

“The essence of the beautiful is unity in variety.”
– Felix Mendelssohn

Release Date – 4/1/2022
Primary Genre – Jazz
Secondary Genre – New Age
Primary Subgenre – Contemporary Jazz
Secondary Subgenre – Neo-Classical
Mood/Style – Instrumental
Tracks: five tracks
released April 1, 2022

Mixed/mastered by Luminarcanum Records

UPC: 198002107152

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